Wow, happy hemories, many times sailing on the Waverley past QE2, QM2, Caronia, Canberra, Oriana, Aurora and other lesser ships up Soton water and following them out into the solent....
last time I saw the QE2 sail was from Waverleyes decks, the round the Isle of Wight cruise was cancelled due to rought weather in the channel, so we went up to see the QE" at its berth, went up nice and close and slowly past it twice, and then after we had dropped out Yarmouth IOW passengers off, we went to meet QE" as it came out into the solent and sailed along side exchanging whistles as far as portsmouth, good fun, seem to think Sheilhall rocked up witha bagpiper on the Focstle as well!
Great photo opertunity, but sadly I didn't have my camera, borrowed my mates for the close ups as we sailed past in Soton, but he tooks the shots as QE2 turned and entered the solent, what could have been a nice foto set ended up with some very wonky horizons! Don't think he was used to taking pics from one moving ship of another, the atmosphere of the occasion came through, and the were a few genuinly good shots in there.... but :-( Maybe this should have gone in the 'Regrets' thread i've seen posted somewhere!
Anyone else here sail Waverley when its around?