She needed 3 boilers for anything above 23 knots, unfortunately she always had long periods that needed 3 boilers.
A steam plant is more complex than a diesel plant, mainly because the diesels are a stand alone unit that requires a straight forward supply of fuel and water, press a button and it starts, were as the steam plant has feed water systems, high and low pressure steam system, fuel, forced draught fans,condensate, vacuum systems, numerous heat exchangers and the need to make 500 tonnes of pure distilled water a day! all these systems can impact the process of generating the steam and passing it through to the turbines.
The turbines themselves are reliable until something external effects them such as sliding feet not moving causing misalignment which destroyed a coupling causing the fire in 79.
If she had been put on a 6 day transatlantic, the speed would have allowed her to operate on two boilers the QM2 does it in 7 days! If QE2 was on a 7 day crossing the fuel savings between the steam plant and the diesel would not have warrented the cost of re engining, although I believe the 9 engine diesel electric plant gave her more flexability.