The QE2 Story's Gallery

Keeping the Legend Alive - through your photos!

Image search results - "rotterdam"
With QE2 In Rotterdam23 viewsFriday 4th August 2006, photo taken by either my Uncle or Auntie on my Dad's camera.Thomas Hypher
QE2 - Our Friend And Second Home13 viewsA photo taken by my Uncle or Auntie (Andrew or Pauline Hypher) on my Dad's camera during our visit to Rotterdam in August 2006.1 commentsThomas Hypher
A couple of friends...19 views... taking their leave of QE2 at the sailaway from Rotterdam on 18 July 2008.Isabelle Prondzynski
Departing Rotterdam with one of several water salutes!18 viewsMy Dad's (James A Hypher's) photo from Friday 4th August 2006 (14 years ago today! - day of uploading this photo). We had a wonderful send off from Rotterdam including a choir, but almost girted the tug off our stern with our sheer power and torque even at 72rpm as we left the cruise terminal. My Uncle and Auntie watching from the dockside said the tug master only just recovered and their photos show how dicey it was. Family friend and fellow ship enthusiast Stephen Macey is in the photo.Thomas Hypher
Our fire tug -- final farewell from Rotterdam43 views18 July 2008Isabelle Prondzynski
A fine send-off52 viewsDeparting Rotterdam, July 2008Pete Hamill
The leaving of Rotterdam45 views1 commentsIsabelle Prondzynski
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