![](images/icons/search.png) Image search results - "iberia"
Date added=Jan 25, 2024 DSCF0033~3.JPG](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_DSCF0033~3.JPG)
Vigo, Spain on Saturday 23rd October 20045 viewsMy photo from nearly 20 years ago!Thomas Hypher
Date added=May 12, 2023 QE2_funnel_in_early_morning_sunshine~0.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_QE2_funnel_in_early_morning_sunshine~0.jpg)
Funnel Wrinkles In The Early Morning Sunshine19 viewsMy Dad's (James A. Hypher's) photo taken in Vigo, Spain on Saturday 23rd October 2004.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Apr 15, 2023 QE2_at_Vigo~0.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_QE2_at_Vigo~0.jpg)
8 Year Old Me Admiring QE2 In Vigo, Spain18 viewsMy Dad's (James A. Hypher's) photo from Saturday 23rd October 2004.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Mar 05, 2022 DSCF0033~2.JPG](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_DSCF0033~2.JPG)
Sleek and Space Age Superstructure40 viewsMy photo from Vigo, Spain on Saturday 23rd October 2004, on our second trip on QE2.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Mar 05, 2022 QE2_docked_at_Vigo_28Spain29~0.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_QE2_docked_at_Vigo_28Spain29~0.jpg)
Beautiful Bow Curves36 viewsMy Dad's (James A. Hypher's) photo from Vigo, Spain on Saturday 23rd October 2004, on our second trip on QE2.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Jan 06, 2022 QE2_funnel_in_early_morning_sunshine.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_QE2_funnel_in_early_morning_sunshine.jpg)
QE2's funnel showing it's scars in the early morning sunshine54 viewsMy Dad's (James A. Hypher's) photo from our second trip in October 2004.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Sep 06, 2021 Gill_and_Thomas_on_QE2_at_Malaga.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_Gill_and_Thomas_on_QE2_at_Malaga.jpg)
Waving from QE245 viewsMy Dad's (James A. Hypher's) photo from the dockside in Malaga of my Mum and I waving at him from 90 something feet up! October 2004 Iberian cruise.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Mar 03, 2021 QE2_at_Vigo.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_QE2_at_Vigo.jpg)
Standing at QE2's stern as an 8 year old81 viewsMy Dad's (James A. Hypher's) photo from the morning of Saturday 23rd October 2004 in Vigo, Spain. We had just come through a Force 9 gusting Force 10 in the Bay of Biscay and made up a 7 hour delay from leaving Southampton. I was glad to not be seasick every 2 minutes after a day and half of being so!Thomas Hypher
Date added=Sep 02, 2020 Bay_of_Biscay_from_QE2~0.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_Bay_of_Biscay_from_QE2~0.jpg)
Racing through a Force 9 gusting Force 10 in the Bay of Biscay (2)43 viewsMy Dad's (James A Hypher's) photo from our October 2004 voyage. Another photo in the series from this Bay of Biscay passage. My Dad was one of only two passengers out on deck at the time, and he was getting soaked in spray from the waves breaking over the bow but at the aft end of Boat Deck about 800 feet aft of the bow! Unfortunately I was busy being badly seasick for about a day and a half in our cabin at the bow but will never forget the motions of QE2 racing through the storm and our cabin creaking!Thomas Hypher
Date added=Sep 02, 2020 Bay_of_Biscay_from_QE2_outbound~0.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_Bay_of_Biscay_from_QE2_outbound~0.jpg)
Racing through a Force 9 gusting Force 10 in the Bay of Biscay (1)34 viewsMy Dad's (James A Hypher's) photo from our October 2004 voyage. QE2 had left Southampton 7 hours late due to a very late arrival caused by the same stormy weather. We would go on to arrive in Vigo, Spain (our first port of call) on time after a day and a half of bombing along in the upper 20s of knots in what was originally scheduled to be two whole sea days. Captain McNaught definitely opened up the throttles.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Jul 12, 2020 QE2_aft_decks.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_QE2_aft_decks.jpg)
One Deck aft, looking forward and up at those wonderful aft decks96 viewsMy Dad's (James A Hypher's) photo from late in the evening of 25th October 2004, on our second voyage, an Iberian cruise.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Apr 13, 2020 QE2_Yacht_Club.jpg](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_QE2_Yacht_Club.jpg)
Outside the Yacht Club56 viewsOctober 2004. My Dad's (James A Hypher's) photo.Thomas Hypher
Date added=Jan 05, 2020 DSCF0057.JPG](albums/userpics/11149/thumb_DSCF0057.JPG)
Mooring ropes and Maintenance60 viewsMy photo, Monday 25th October 2004 in Gibraltar.Thomas Hypher