The QE2 Story's Gallery

Keeping the Legend Alive - through your photos!

Last comments - QE2 50th Anniversary conference and boat trip
Meeting Waverley as we return to Glasgow110 views1 commentsIsabelle Prondzynski10/30/17 at 13:04Clydebuilt1971: Sorry to be pedantic Isabelle but thats Balmoral!!...
QE2 50 Cocktail91 views2 commentsCunarder Man10/29/17 at 03:06Isabelle Prondzynski: It was excellent, best served cold without icecube...
Both sides of the story90 views1 commentsPete Hamill10/29/17 at 03:03Isabelle Prondzynski: Excellent!
114 views1 commentsCunarder Man10/08/17 at 11:21Cunarder Man: Clydebank Town Hall
QE2 50 Cocktail91 views2 commentsCunarder Man09/27/17 at 15:43Davina: How was it?
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