The QE2 Story's Gallery

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QE2 Farewell World Cruise
Not sure if Margo is frightened by the Bombe Alaska, or singing or maybe cheering??

QE2 Farewell World Cruise

Not sure if Margo is frightened by the Bombe Alaska, or singing or maybe cheering??

QE2.jpg QE2_beautiful_times_2813729.JPG Baked_Alaska_Sparkling_Marija_Rodney_Mrs_Lin.jpg Baked_Alaska_Jasmin_jpeg.jpg Baked_Alaska2C_QE2_October_2008.jpg
File information
Album name: / May 2013 -- QE2's Baked Alaska Parade
Filesize:154 KiB
Date added:May 31, 2013
Dimensions:1280 x 959 pixels
Displayed:62 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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