The QE2 Story's Gallery

Keeping the Legend Alive - through your photos!

QE2 and early bird Brum Brum 
Approaching the Bridge of the Americas at Panama City early in the morning to enter the Panama Channel for farewell.

QE2 and early bird Brum Brum

Approaching the Bridge of the Americas at Panama City early in the morning to enter the Panama Channel for farewell.

IMG_9377.JPG IMG_3954.JPG IMG_8881.JPG QE2_2008_2810729~0.JPG DSCN1102.JPG
File information
Album name:Katharina Ernst / September 2022 : QE2 and her friend(s)
Filesize:768 KiB
Date added:Oct 02, 2022
Dimensions:2304 x 3072 pixels
Displayed:9 times
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