The QE2 Story's Gallery

Keeping the Legend Alive - through your photos!

QE2 Final departure from Trieste, Italy. The band and crowd that farewelled the ship, 10/07/2008.

QE2 Final departure from Trieste, Italy. The band and crowd that farewelled the ship, 10/07/2008.

QE2_FAREWELL_DEP_025~1.jpg 3479-The_Last_Farewell_for_QE2.jpg 3464_the_farewell_crowd_10_07_2008.jpg 3202_through_the_bus_window_in_Trieste.jpg QE2_last_departure_NYC_16_10_2008.JPG
File information
Album name:skilly56 / May 2020 : QE2's final calls
Filesize:657 KiB
Date added:May 30, 2020
Dimensions:2000 x 1271 pixels
Displayed:29 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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