The QE2 Story's Gallery

Keeping the Legend Alive - through your photos!

Rob 2: Shadows
Shadows of spectators watching the tennis match below, being played in bare feet on the lovely smooth teak decks - in the hot sunshine of a Mediterranean evening after leaving Lisbon.

Rob 2: Shadows

Shadows of spectators watching the tennis match below, being played in bare feet on the lovely smooth teak decks - in the hot sunshine of a Mediterranean evening after leaving Lisbon.

Dscf2366.jpg 14th_282029.JPG 14th_28429.jpg Reading.jpg Jigsaw_under_the_Mauretania.jpg
File information
Album name:Rob Lightbody / December 2011 -- QE2 and her passengers
Filesize:66 KiB
Date added:Dec 28, 2011
Dimensions:1024 x 768 pixels
Displayed:76 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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