The QE2 Story's Gallery

Keeping the Legend Alive - through your photos!

Cunarder Man 2: Hold onto your hats! 
Passengers staking their place, protecting themselves from the elements and preparing for the maiden call to the Tyne in September 2007 on the 40th Anniversary Cruise around the UK.

Cunarder Man 2: Hold onto your hats!

Passengers staking their place, protecting themselves from the elements and preparing for the maiden call to the Tyne in September 2007 on the 40th Anniversary Cruise around the UK.

phpCIQC7TAM.jpg Trafalgar_200_QE2_passengers.JPG QE2_40th_Wind_-_Copy.jpg Q_E_2__Ruby__Annerversary_Photos_148.jpg Q_E_2__Ruby__Annerversary_Photos_146.jpg
File information
Album name:Cunarder Man / December 2011 -- QE2 and her passengers
Filesize:17 KiB
Date added:Dec 13, 2011
Dimensions:448 x 299 pixels
Displayed:77 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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