The QE2 Story's Gallery

Keeping the Legend Alive - through your photos!

For JIM,     bought & only used once - he was a strong boy, & pulled.
  We think this lead  was constructed for a lap dog type- he definately wasn't bless him..

For JIM, bought & only used once - he was a strong boy, & pulled.
We think this lead was constructed for a lap dog type- he definately wasn't bless him..

DSCN6087.JPG DSCN6092.JPG DSCN6084.JPG thumb_My_Memories_of_the_QE2~0.jpg My_first_QE2_experience.JPG
File information
Album name:pete cain / July 2023 : Original QE2 souvenirs
Filesize:776 KiB
Date added:Jul 30, 2023
Dimensions:3072 x 2304 pixels
Displayed:6 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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