The QE2 Story's Gallery

Keeping the Legend Alive - through your photos!

Space Age Decor and Conveniences
Cabin 4108 in 1974 (note the HiFi radio channel and volume knobs as well as the red steward and green stewardess call buttons on the console )

Space Age Decor and Conveniences

Cabin 4108 in 1974 (note the HiFi radio channel and volume knobs as well as the red steward and green stewardess call buttons on the console )

P1080097.JPG pc220122~0.jpg Space_Age_Decor_and_Conveniences.jpg QE2_L-END_842~0.jpg File0012.jpg
File information
Album name:Bob C. / June 2016 -- QE2 and her cabins (closed)
Filesize:65 KiB
Date added:Jun 02, 2016
Dimensions:804 x 554 pixels
Displayed:136 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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