Pages in the news

Updated on October 2nd, 2017 by Rob Lightbody

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As part of our missing to 'Keep the Legend Alive', we try to make it into the news whenever possible!

Lots of press coverage, September 2017

Radio interview on BBC Radio Scotland with QE2 Story member John Little

Radio interview on BBC Radio Scotland with QE2 Story member Lynda Bradford

Daily Mirror article that we helped extensively with

Clydebank Post article covering our conference and the 50th anniversary

The National (UAE) article that we helped with.

We helped with this piece for Scottish Television (STV)




..Rob on board QE2, April 24th to 26th 2011

A request by Rob Lightbody to go aboard QE2 in Dubai was granted, and he was permitted to go aboard and to take photos and videos of her condition for publication.  sleeping beauty newspaper articleIn April 2011, Rob Lightbody of gained exclusive access to the ship, spending a few days on board with access to all areas, and extensively documented her condition.  You can see his photos here and his videos here.  Rob's visit hit the headlines including being featured on BBC TV News -


QE Visiting QE2, March 31st 2011

We went all out on this one!  We were on BBC TV's South Today programme twice, and also featured on BBC Radio Solent's Drive time programme.


You can listen to the piece from the radio programme here

You can read more about the event, and see spectacular photos of QE meeting QE2 here.

Alistair's visit to QE2, January 2011

Forum member Alistair Hay visited QE2 in Dubai in January 2011, and was featured in a prominent piece in The Clydebank Post.  You can read about his visit here.